Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what i'm doing

I've decided that since all the girls I work with at Frock are just about the cutest people eveeeerrr, I'd do some little watercolour portraits of all of them!
I've been hard at work all night on my Frockettes. Here's some of my work in progress...

Annie in rough sketch form.

Brooke is barely there...

Brooke is starting to take form!

Brooke is finished!
Is she too messy?
I got kinda sick of trying to make it all perfect and just went crazy and scratched it all up. I can't tell if I ruined it. I might've.
Oh well! That's what making art is all about, I guess!

Edit: I just finished Dawn too!



  1. you are absolutely UNREAL.
    seriously, stef... these are brilliant!!!! and they LOOK like us!!!
    whoa... wow... so good

  2. Man, these are amazing! Wish I could see them in real life. And I love the "messy" one too. xo

  3. Your illustrations are just SO lovely!
    Every single one you produce is wonderful :)

  4. Stef your work is looking simply wonderful.

    hope to see you at some point this summer.
    you're a gem.
