Tuesday, May 24, 2011

in progress: wet hair

In progress closeup sketch for a larger graphite piece.

Jamelia - Caribou

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Red. With black, olive green, fuschia, and nude.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I just found this between the sheets of an old sketch pad...

I was in life drawing class and got a bit bored of drawing the model, so I did this pen and ink of Megan, who was sitting across the room looking oh so cool with her mussed hair, fair isle sweater and lace up boots.
She's one of those people who you see and think: "Who is that girl?".
I feel like this sketch kinda captures that... do you?

miss nicole

Just a quick graphite sketch of the lovely Nicole. Please visit her sites, she is amazing at both photography and illustrations:

Find Jars

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

if i have made, my lady, intricate

if i have made,my lady,intricate
imperfect various things chiefly which wrong
your eyes(frailer than most deep dreams are frail)
songs less firm than your body's whitest song
upon my mind-if i have failed to snare
the glance too shy-if through my singing slips
the very skillful strangeness of your smile
the keen primeval silence of your hair

-let the world say "his most wise music stole
nothing from death"-
you only will create
(who are so perfectly alive)my shame:
lady through whose profound and fragile lips
the sweet small clumsy feet of April came

into the ragged meadow of my soul.

- ee cummings